Bulldog Portraits and Paintings, the perfect gift Portraits of Dogs Oil paintings on Canvas #htmlcaption

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Kody the Shih Tzu

I met Dawn and Max at the Royal Bath & West show a couple of months back now, they asked me to do a portrait of their beloved Kody the Shih Tzu.

After a few weeks they sent over some lovely pictures for me to work from, unfortunately it was too far for me to go and meet Kody but after getting some great pics and a good description of his character I felt I was able to capture his personality in the portrait, I don't always need to meet pets to do the portrait its more of an excuse for me to play with gorgeous dogs all day!!


Lucy's Pet Portraits © 2015
Unit 7 Tilly Mead Commercial Road, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 1DF,United Kingdom.
Hours: Mon-Sat 10am - 4pm in winter, Open 7 days a week 10-5 in Summer

Categories: Art, Pet Portraits, Animal Artist
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