Bulldog Portraits and Paintings, the perfect gift Portraits of Dogs Oil paintings on Canvas #htmlcaption

Monday, 13 July 2015

Smelly Cow

Pet Portrait Hereford Cow Cattle Oil Painting on canvasMeet 'Smelly Cow' the Hereford Cow from Hilfield Herefords, well that's her nickname anyway! Her owner Mike got in touch with me through Facebook after seeing some of my work online and asked me to paint one of his cattle.

Now for those of you who know me know I've got a bit of a soft spot for the gentle giants so I was thrilled when Mike got in touch. Usually my Cow paintings have a kind of silly, almost caricature style about them so it was a nice change to paint a more realistic one yet still capture her character.

For any of you that are heading to the Melplash show this August I'll be there with my Moos and Mike will be there with his Hereford trade stand, so even more reason to head over and say hello.


Lucy's Pet Portraits © 2015
Unit 7 Tilly Mead Commercial Road, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 1DF,United Kingdom.
Hours: Mon-Sat 10am - 4pm in winter, Open 7 days a week 10-5 in Summer

Categories: Art, Pet Portraits, Animal Artist
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