Back in February I attended a Point to Point event near Salisbury exhibiting alongside some local artists, crafters and producers, although it was a seriously chilly and windy day people still came along to watch the racing and have a browse (oh and enjoy some of the delicious local food and drink!)
In the shelter of my Gazebo I set up my stall with the usual Moo paintings and a few of my Pet Portraits, the wind was so bad though I was worried I was going to blow away but we survived and got to meet some lovely dogs and their owners.
Sam and her sister came over after seeing a painting of a Spaniel I had on display and decided she would love to get one done of her gorgeous Lurcher Quinn, Sam's sister kindly offered to arrange this as a Birthday pressie which is a lovely idea!
As we were arranging for me to meet Quinn Sam suggested that her friend who is a photographer take some pics of Quinn for me and I'm so glad she did, the amazingly talented Matt Sleeman sent over a fabulous selection of pictures to work from that really captured Quinn's personality, after looking through them we decided on the one that would be the best for the painting.
You may notice that Quinn looks like he is winking, well unfortunately there's a bit of a sad story behind this but it has a very happy ending! Sam rescued Quinn when he was 7 months old, he was abused before this resulting in his eye not developing properly, we wanted to make sure this was included in the painting as this is what makes Quinn, Quinn. He truly is such a handsome boy!
I enjoyed every bit of this painting, what with his characterful face, beautiful expression and the most untamely of fur it made every brush stroke different, the more I looked at the pictures the more colours I could see, I'm really proud of this painting and can't wait for it to be pride of place in its new home!
Photographs Courtesy of Matt Sleeman Photography